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CharuVidya - E-Learning Platform

Hello Today I've put this post about my new project that we are working. Our team working on this wonderful project called CharuVidya. In this post I have describe about our project.

The article present about CharuVidya E-Learning Platform. The Platform increase the learning motivation and how much are the interested candidate to develop their skills in virtual platform.

In last decade Internet and its Application take giant role in virtual environment and learning process. It gives extremely good results in educational system, private or public institution both in initial and continuous formation.

We know coronavirus has led us to online education and it remains very beneficial to us. That’s why CharuVidya provides better experience in online mode.No more students will be just confined to what is taught in lectures and will be able to acquire knowledge of available courses from different teachers, whenever they desire.

CharuVidya available as Web Application and Mobile Application too.


If a student wishes to enroll, he or she needs to sign up to the website using the email-id. A verification email will be sent to the email address provided by the student to activate the account. After the verification process has been completed, the students will be free to enroll in courses at their convenience.

For a teacher to upload a course, the teacher has to design the course first. Before the course will visible on the CharuVidya, it will be examined to provide the most suitable, relevant, and plagiarism-free content to the users. This will ensure that the student is receiving appropriate content.


  • The CharuVidya has such a user interface that makes it easy to navigate.
  • Courses are sorted category-wise.
  • Each course shows the total number of enrollments, the name of the instructor, and the date it was posted.
  • The course will be displayed after review and verified by specific reviewer before posting it on the CharuVidya.
  • CharuVidya has features like user must watch every video and also if user is logged in any time and click particular course so that resume their last time watched video.

How we use Tools and Technologies ?

The application uses JHipster development platform which provides tools to generate a project with a Java stack on the server side using Spring Boot and a responsive Web front-end on the client side with Angular and Bootstrap. The user data is stored on a MySql which provides easy access, storing, retrieval and management of data.

Spring Boot is an open source Java-based framework used to create a micro Service. It is developed by Pivotal Team and is used to build stand-alone and production ready spring applications.

We will be exciting to see that you will be using this platform, enrolling in courses and enjoying courses, and learning something new.

Visit : CharuVidya

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