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What is JSON? Why JSON Popular? Some Facts That You Need to Know About JSON

In this blog, you will learn what is JSON and how it is used and some interesting facts about JSON. Also, that is how JSON is used in any full-stack project.

What is JSON? Why JSON Popular? Some Facts That You Need to Know About JSON

What is JSON?

JSON stands for Javascript Object Notation. JSON is used for text design data interchange so that it can easily be readable by humans and represent objects into text. It is used and supports many libraries, languages, frameworks.

JSON is initialized in the 2000s, the first standard version was released in 2013, and was published in 2017. JSON used objects and arrays as data structures. So that it is easy to write and understand the data.

Why is JSON used?

JSON is easy to write and read, also easily data exchange format and API integration. There are some other reasons why we used JSON.

JSON is an easily readable and understandable format that is used in many programming languages. So that is used for mapping of objects.

JSON is faster than XML-based format. The reason behind this is XML-based DOM requires more extra memory to handle XML files whereas JSON requires less memory.

JSON has used a map data structure whereas XML used a tree data structure so that it can easily be understandable JSON.

All browsers support JSON compatibility with the operating system.

JSON Data Types

JSON used the following most used data types :

1) String - It is always written in double-quotes which contain numbers, special characters, and alphanumeric. ex, "JSON", "max123", "google#20".

2) Number - It represents the numeric characters. ex, 123, 98, 03

3) Boolean - It is written as either true or false. ex, true, false

4) Null - It is an empty value. ex, NULL

JSON Object

A JSON object used key-value pair with curly brackets {}. It contains valid data types like string, number, boolean, null. Here the examples of JSON objects :

Example 1:
  "name": "alex",
  "age" : 20,
  "present" : true

Example 2:
  "name": "virat",
  "run" : 120,
  "out" : false

JSON Array 

JSON Array contains the list of objects which is written in square bracket []. Here are some examples of the JSON array:

  "company": "ABC",
  "networth_in_billon_dollar" : 120,
  "employees" : 50000
  "company": "XYZ",
  "networth_in_billon_dollar" : 340,
  "employees" : 70000
  "company": "PQR",
  "networth_in_billon_dollar" : 240,
  "employees" : 60000

JSON Formatter Chrome Extensions

Here is the list of some chrome extensions which is used to represent your data in JSON format.

You can also read my article on Best Chrome Extensions for Developers

JSON Viewer

What is JSON? Why JSON Popular? Some Facts That You Need to Know About JSON

JSON Viewer is a wonderful extension for web developers. It is basically used for JSON data views that are not in JSON format. 100K+ developers use this extension worldwide. As a developer, you should use this type of extension.

JSON Formatter

What is JSON? Why JSON Popular? Some Facts That You Need to Know About JSON

JSON formatter is an extension for web developers. It also works as above one extension for JSON data views. 10 Lakh+ developers use this extension worldwide.

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