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What is Programming Language ? Types of Programming Languages and Applications

What is Programming Language?

Programming Language is a language that is used to communicate between computers and programmers. Programmers write some line of a particular language for communication with computers and performed tasks.
There are various types of programming languages available in different domains for computer communication. Let's explore it.

What is Programming Language ? Types of Programming Languages and Applications

Types of Programming Languages

  • Low-Level Programming Languages
  • High-Level Programming Languages
  • Mid-Level Programming Languages

1) Low-Level Programming Languages

Low-Level Programming Languages is basically a computer or machine level-dependent language like binary language which is understood only 0 and 1. Low-Level Programming Languages is very fast to debug and run because there is no need for a compiler and interpreter. 

There is the subpart of Low-Level Programming Languages.

Machine Language
Machine Language is part of low-level language which also means machine code. It is easy to understand and read. It is basically written in binary or hexadecimal form. This language is very helpful for programmers to execute the code in less time.

Assembly Language
Assembly Language is basically used for particular or specific processors which has multiple lines of instruction with symbolic method or human-understandable method. This language used assemblers to understand machine language which is converted assembly language into machine language by assemblers.

2) High-Level Programming Languages

High-Level Programming Languages are wildly used languages by programmers or developers. High-level programming languages are basically used to create computer software, websites, application for better user interface and reduce complex human tasks. High-level programming language required an interpreter or compiler to convert high-level programming language into machine language.  

High-level programming language has three subparts:

Procedural Oriented Programming Language

Procedural Oriented Programming Languages is also called POP Language. It is used for the procedure-oriented structure in computer software. It will break the program into different sub-procedure which are also called functions. It is easy to understand for programmers to perform the program flow and features. Examples: C, Pascal, basic, etc.

Object-Oriented Programming Language

Object-Oriented Programming Language is used to perform different programs into object parts. It divides the program into object parts and performs the abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance for easy to understand, reusable, and efficient performance. Examples: C++, Java, Python, etc.

Natural Language

Natural Language is basically the human communication language that human speaks. It is used by programmers or developers for automation summarize, translation, topic segmentation. 

3) Mid-Level Programming Language

Mid-Level programming language is an intermediate programming language that comes between low and high-level programming languages. Mid-level programming language is user-friendly which is understanding the machine language and human language.

Top 5 programming languages 

Now we explore the top 5 programming languages which are worldwide used in the industry to create software, website, web application, mobile application, machine learning, and artificial intelligence software and device.

1) C++

What is Programming Language ? Types of Programming Languages and Applications

C++ is a programming language which is developed in 1980 by Bjarne Stroustrup. It has provided exception handling, object-oriented programming, etc. C++ has a simple and basic structure language. C++ is not secure as compared to Java and Python. Also, C++ does not perform garbage collection.

2) Java

What is Programming Language ? Types of Programming Languages and Applications

Java is a high-level programming language with secure, simple, and easy to compile, run and debug functionality. Java is developed in 1995 by Sun Microsystem. Today Oracle owns Java. It is mainly used in information security technology, banking software, android, Big Data, and microservice applications. It has high security and there is no functionality of pointers. As compared to other Java consumes more memory and time to perform the program.

3) Python

What is Programming Language ? Types of Programming Languages and Applications

Python is a programming language that is the best user-friendly language. Python is an open-source language and very much easy to understand and developed a program which is developed in 1990. Python is most used in Machine Learning, Artificial Neural networks, Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Big Data. Python is basically used for research-based model training projects and software. It is not very useful for developing mobile applications and web applications.

4) Javascript

What is Programming Language ? Types of Programming Languages and Applications
Javascript is a programming language that is basically used to developed web applications, websites, games, animations, and sometimes mobile applications. Javascript is used at frontend and backend side means client and server both sides. Javascript is developed in the 1990s by Netscape Navigator. Javascript is used in webpage to improve the behavior. Javascript has functionality like a dynamic web page, interactive web page, and a rich interface. Javascript is totally based on a web browsers it does not support multiple inheritances. It is also less secure as compared to other languages.

5) C#

What is Programming Language ? Types of Programming Languages and Applications

C# is a programming language pronounced as C Sharp. C# is XML based web service language on the .NET framework. It is an easy, efficient, open-source programming language that is easily integrated with windows. In the industry, most of use C# for game development but there is another used too. It has easy maintenance as compared to C++. It is less flexible because it is dependent on the .NET framework.

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