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Object Measurement and Detection Using OpenCV Python

Hello, I have create Object Measurement and Detection project with my friend Parimal. This project is basically work on Machine learning concept OpenCV and Pyhton. In this blog you can see all details about our project.

Object measurement project is about measurement the size of object in real-time. In many industry like mechanical, automobile and many more size of object is key term for them. It’s physical measurement take more time. This project is productive and beneficial for that types of industries. We establish project with OpenCV, NumPy libraries for object detection and take edge detect and essential image processing, mathematical calculation on image pixel, matrix calculation. This project give fulfilled outcome with less time.

Features :

1. Object Measurements

 In this feature you can directly get measurement values of object that you want. Simply first you import an image of it and you will get output. Here you can see the real time output of this project.

This feature is use in mostly industrial company in assembly line to measure values of object. Also in carpentering for wood measurement. 

2. Object Detection

Object detection is a computer technology related to computer vision and image processing that detects and defines objects such as humans, buildings and cars from digital images and videos. Also it is a common Computer Vision problem which deals with identifying and locating object of certain classes in the image.

This technology has the power to classify just one or several objects within a digital image at once. Object detection has been around for years, but is becoming more apparent across a range of industries now more than ever before. In below the different submodule of this part.

Here you can see the real time output of this project.

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